register to vote

Did you know that it only takes an average of two minutes to register?

Why should you register to vote?

Your vote is your voice and you should use it! Increasing the number of people that vote in each election means better representation, more funding for our communities, a better quality of life, etc. If we work together and increase voter turnout, then our state and national legislators will listen to our needs.

How can I register?

It takes just a few minutes to register! And since voter registration is different in every state, our tool distinctly navigates state laws to find the best registration option for you.

In states that do not offer online voter registration or for registrants who can’t use their state’s online voter registration website, our tool auto-fills a PDF form that includes all information needed from users to complete their state’s voter registration form. You will then be instructed to print, sign, and mail your completed form to your local election office.


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