State Election Guide


You are eligible to vote in Georgia if you:

  1. You are a United States citizen
  2. You are a legal Resident of your County
  3. You are not serving a sentence for conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude
  4. You have not been found mentally incompetent by a judge
  5. You must be at least 17 1/2 years of age to pre-register and then must be 18 years of age to vote

Special Populations:

  1. Formerly Incarcerated:
      • Misdemeanor convictions in Georgia
          • You do not lose your right to vote if you are convicted of a misdemeanor in Georgia. If you are incarcerated for a misdemeanor you should check voter registration status, register to vote if necessary, and request an absentee ballot from office administrators at your complex.
          • You can vote while awaiting trial for any charge, even if incarcerated, as long as you have not lost your right to vote due to a prior conviction.
      • Felony convictions in Georgia
          • You lose your right to vote if you are convicted of a felony. You can’t vote while incarcerated, while on probation, or while on parole. Your right to vote is automatically restored once you complete your full sentence, including parole and probation.
      • Next steps for restoring voting rights in Georgia
          • If your sentence is completed, including parole or probation, you may register to vote and cast a ballot.
  1. Unhoused Individuals: 
      • If you routinely stay somewhere that has a street address, make sure to use that address as your residence address and mailing address (unless you receive mail somewhere else). If this scenario applies to you, and you already have a valid voter ID, you can register to vote online. You can also use a paper registration form. If you cannot register to vote online, or you don’t have access to a printer, you can also visit a public library and they will help register you to vote.
      • The address that you provide for your residence address will determine the polling precinct where you will vote.
      • If you do not routinely stay somewhere with an address, you can write in a park name or the closest intersection to where you stay as your residence address. For example, “The corner of Church Street and Main Street”.
          • Unfortunately, if this scenario applies to you, you will not be able to register to vote online in Georgia. But you can always register to vote on paper instead. You can find a printable version of the Georgia voter registration form by clicking here, or by visiting your County Elections Office. You can also visit a public library and they will help register you to vote.
  2. College Students:
      • Make sure to always keep voter registration up-to-date whenever you move! Even moving to a new apartment number (within the same apartment complex) means you need to update your voter registration!
      • If you go to a PUBLIC Georgia College/University, you can use your student ID to vote! (i.e. Georgia State or Kennesaw State, but NOT private universities like Emory or Morehouse). Georgia law requires first-time Georgia voters who complete a paper voter registration form must provide additional documentation or they will have delays – or even trouble voting – when they go to vote for the first time.
          • This only applies to:
              • brand new voters (never voted before)
              • voters who have never voted before in the state of Georgia.
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